Watch Dr. James Tour’s testimony

“As a secular Jew, James Tour never thought much about God or religion until he was personally and powerfully faced with the reality of Jesus Christ. Today, he is one of the most eminent scientific scholars in the world, yet more than anything, he lives his life to help others find Jesus.”

Jana Harmon, Side B Stories

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”        – Psalm 19:1

James Tour Bible Study

Join via Zoom or live at:

West U Baptist
6128 Auden
Houston, TX 77005


Subscribe to Dr. Tour’s weekly podcast!

Using biblical truth, conviction, and often a little bit of science, Dr. Tour presents God’s word weekly with passion and wit.

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Watch debates unfold and truth presented.

Like and subscribe to Dr. Tour’s youtube channel for engaging and lively debates, challenging questions answered, and all the latest from Dr. Tour.

Group of four friends having fun a coffee together. Two women and two men at cafe talking laughing and enjoying their time

Find a mentor.

If you are a believer in Jesus and you wish to meet regularly, one-on-one via Zoom to read and discuss the Bible, we can connect you with a team of students wishing to serve in that way.

Who we are

The Jesus and Science foundation is a group of people dedicated to seeing as many people as possible receive the love of God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Spearheaded by the gifts and influence of Dr. James Tour, we:
Remove barriers to faith by examining natural evidence and engaging the scientific community
Show Christ’s love through meeting the needs of those in our communities
Teach others how to effectively share their faith through love, truth, grace, and reason

Who we are

The Jesus and Science foundation is a group of people dedicated to seeing as many people as possible receive the love of God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Spearheaded by the gifts and influence of Dr. James Tour, we:
Remove barriers to faith by examining natural evidence and engaging the scientific community
Show Christ’s love through meeting the needs of those in our communities
Teach others how to effectively share their faith through love, truth, grace, and reason

Questions about the resurrection? Speak with Dr. Tour

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“If you do not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, I invite you to spend an hour with me… and we’ll get together by Zoom. If you reach out to me, you’ll end up believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is not an invitation for believers who just want to have an hour with [me]. This is only for people who do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

–Dr. James Tour

Dr. Tour will initiate a private zoom call with anyone who is not a believer in Jesus but would like to hear his story about how he became a man of faith in Jesus, the Son of God. If you do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and you desire to hear Dr. Tour’s story of faith, get in touch.


When you give financially to The Jesus and Science Foundation, a 501(c)(3), you are contributing to the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ though our media content. Media requires talented professionals, equipment, and other resources and your contribution allows us to reach and instruct thousands of listeners daily. All donations are US tax-deductible and receipts are issued accordingly.

If donating by check, please make it payable to: JSF
and send it to:
6218 Auden St.,
Houston, TX 77005-2816

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